CAPS Intervention Academy, LLC identified the need for more structured training for school district staff, mediators, educators, attorneys, district clerks, attendance officers, outreach workers, social workers and the general workforce. That is the reason we have developed these online self-paced training courses, ensuring that you gain the skills and knowledge required at yout own pace. We have specific training to ensure staff has the skills to resolve problems and student attendance issues. We offer mediation courses, school absenteeism and attendance officer certificate courses to prepare you for the challenges at the workplace.


* Basic Mediation

* Advanced Truancy Mediation

* Truama-Informed Training for K-12 grade school staff

* Certified School Attendance Officer

* Strategies for Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

We accept credit cards and school districts purchased orders.

CAPS Intervention Academy, LLC is a approved online training company provider.

About the instructor:

Experience, education & training

Mr. Thompson has over twenty years of experience working with dropout-prone students and their families for a Texas school district. He has been responsible for alternative, middle, and high school students. One of his primary responsibilities is facilitating attendance/truancy meetings between the school, parent, and student. As an attendance meeting facilitator, he has mediated hundreds of attendance/truancy issues, finding a solution to help families get their students to school and avoid legal intervention. Jerome's skills in working with schools and families come from years of planning the family and truancy mediation.

Jerome Thompson:

       Retired Attendance Officer

        Licensed Social Worker

       Master's Degree in Criminal Justice

        Certified Domestic Violence Counselor

Facilitating Adult Learning Groups

Learning to Learn Online

      Basic Mediation

        Family Mediation

       Truancy Mediation

Train the Trainer

Child Custody Mediation

  National Association of Certified Mediators Trainer

National Dropout Prevention Center Truama-Skilled Specialist Certification

 Author: "Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention" on Amazon


Mr. Thompson spent over 11 years working with Texas Children Protective Services families.

Over his twenty years of experience working truancy cases, Jerome recognized the need for more structured training for district clerks, attendance officers, outreach specialists, and others. Jerome helped create training hours for current and new attendance officers, ensuring the skills and knowledge needed to do the job. He also developed training specifically for attendance specialists, assuring staff has the skill required to work with students, families, and school attendance conflicts.

Courses reviewed

Below is the summary of feedback from Victoria and Fort Worth, Tx. ISD staff that have taken courses.

What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable?

Below are some of the responses.

The test

The course was very informative.

Reminding the best practices in communicating with parents. I liked how Mr. Thompson gave insight into improving communication with the students and how to peak their interest in school. We can apply these techniques by remembering that the student's experiences in school are different; we must allow them to feel welcomed at the school. Giving examples of the different attendance letters was beneficial.

I enjoyed the course very much. I particularly liked the sections concerning different cultural communication skills, how to address truancy with the students and parents, and the attendance letters different examples.

all were very useful and valuable

The knowledge of the topic.

Knowledge of working with students and families

Knowledge of being able to mediate between school, parents, and students

Learning the laws and rules to identify Truancy. Also, to help students and parents with truancy issues.

Learning the laws and rules for truancy. Also, being able to assist schools, parents, and students with truant conduct.

The overall information.

The information.

The depth of information explaining the Truancy Law and how to meditate with all interested parties. This course allows you to be introspective and aware of self-biases; furthermore, it reminded me of what important values of mediation are required. I was reminded of the "why" of my role as an Attendance Officer. It took me back to the basics of my job and enhanced my knowledge of Truancy Mediation.

The printable pdfs

The whole course was very interesting and useful.

Learning about the different types of mediation and realizing that for best results having the students identify the barriers they face regarding absences and coming up with the solutions will reap the best results. Love that!

The most valuable aspect is to be patient with both parties and remain neutral to mediate any conflicts that arise in any situation.

The most valuable aspect is to learn to be neutral while mediating between parent and student.

How to handle students and families coming up with a truancy plan.

Examples of open communication.

Although the PDFs were very useful, the videos was great to watch.

Facilitative information

How to approach the parents with truancy without offending anybody.

Types of mediations

How would you improve this course?


The course was easily flowing and easy to read. It kept my interest.

The course was easy to read and follow. Please review for some grammatical errors.

The course was easy flowing to read.

I would look for grammatical errors. Other than that, I have no improvements to report.

I am dyslexic, and I would have loved to have the reading sections with the option for it to be read to me. I struggled with the reading sections and the quizzes because of this.

Overall, It was good.

By providing the printable materials upfront.

Provide copy of the materials

Not a thing

The course is well organized and explained. It is always room for improvement. However, this course does not need any improvement.

It is always room for improvement, but this course is well-organized and informative.


Include more information about Truancy Mediation Specifically and less about Mediation in general.

More quizzes to check for understanding. More videos that go over and give examples of the different types of Mediation.

In Person Training and instructor-led training.

It was very detailed, and I am concerned about getting the parents involved with the truancy issues.

Make it an in-person class instead of online training.

At the moment, I don't see any need for improvement.

At the moment, I don't see anything to improve.

Program Training Consultant

Contact us!

CAPS Intervention Academy, LLC

720 Lancaster-Hutchins Road #1036

Hutchins, Texas 75141

Phone: 1 800-778-0728

Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions, training, or consultant needs, please reach out, and let's do it together!

Please forward the date, time, and subject you would like to discuss, and what you hope to gain from the meeting.

Thanks for reaching out!

Review of Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention

 by Standor5865 » 17 Sep 2021, 07:34

[Following is an official review of "Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention" by Jerome Thompson

4 out of 4 stars

If you take a good look at the statistics, you will see that the rates of absenteeism, truancy, and students dropping out from middle and high school, especially concerning economically disadvantaged students, are high. "Chronic absenteeism affects over six million students in the United States, which is about 13% of the total student population, with at least 10% of kindergarten and first-grade students missing a month or more of school each year." - Page 12. This raises urgent questions around the causes, long-term negative effects, and strategies that can be employed in tackling these issues. To that effect, Jerome Thompson, an attendance officer in Texas with decades worth of experience working with dropout-prone students, has presented a guide titled Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention.

The comprehensive nature of the book and its presentation in a clear and easy-to-follow manner are the standout aspects for me. The author passed his message in two parts, with the first part covering what absenteeism and truancy really mean, their variations in different states in the U.S., their prevalence, and causes, while the second part highlights detailed, practicable strategies for tackling these issues. I applaud Jerome Thompson for the way he presents these problems and shows the consequences of not working on them. As readers go through this book, they will feel invested in helping children through these issues, especially when they consider how they affect society at large.

Regardless of your field, this book calls all of us to action and reiterates that helping truant children should be a joint effort of the community. Nevertheless, there are in-depth lessons for people who work on campus, from administrators and teachers to attendance specialists. The way the author highlights the significance of parents and guardians in helping children is also noteworthy. We are also taken through identifying parents that add to the problem of truancy, from "The Defenseless and Reckless Parents" to "The Naysayer of Education Parents," and how to handle these kinds of parents.

The author also employs numerous lists to simplify the process of applying the strategies introduced. We are also offered examples to guide us on utilizing his methods. One that I found very helpful was his example showing the format of a warning letter to parents while detailing when to use punitive action.

Furthermore, the book is well researched, and the author includes his sources that not only back up his methods but also encourage readers to research more. This guide is also professionally edited. At just 114 pages in length, it is concise and easy to read through but detailed, informative, and extremely helpful. I cannot think of anything I dislike about this book. Therefore I rate Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention four out of four stars. School administrators, teachers, attendance specialists, social workers, clerks, and parents will learn a lot from reading this book.


Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention


Policy and Procedure

Online Self-Paced Courses Policies and Procedures

Self-paced courses are online and offered through the CAPS online learning platform. Payment, of course, must be paid in full or approved of the purchased order before enrolling.

Note: Policies and procedures listed are subject to change without notice.

Course Completion Time Limits

• Self-paced courses must be completed in 60 days. You can finish sooner if you wish.

• Students needing additional time must submit a request to [email protected] in writing. Extensions will be granted.

Instructors may take time off during your enrollment (i.e., holidays and summer vacations). This may delay their response to student inquiries, grading of assignments, or assignment of final grades.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to call (800) 778-0728.

Course Communication

The primary means of communication with our instructors is through e-mail. [email protected]

If you have questions about course content, grades, or assignments, contact your instructor. Your instructor can be reached at the email above.

Lesson Submission

You will complete your online course through the Teachable learning management system. In an online course, most of your assignments will be in the form of online quizzes that you will complete in Teachable. A copy of all assignments and quizzes must be copied and sent to your institution at the end of the course completion to receive your certificate of completion.

Exam/Quiz Policy

All quizzes, exams, or final assignments require a passing score of 80%; you can take the exam as many times as needed to pass. You must pass the test to receive your course completion certificate.

Course Withdrawals

All withdrawals from self-paced courses must be in writing (email). If you withdraw from a course within 7 days of your enrollment date and before you start your first course, you will receive a 100% refund. (You will access the downloaded course materials.) If a course is dropped after day 7, it will be a 0% refund.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility with students. Assignments help students learn; quizzes exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work and grades should result from the students' understanding and effort.

You can request in advance to work on coursework in groups; if granted, each student will be required to turn in individual assignments and quizzes.

Appeals and Complaints & Course content reviews

Any student who would like to appeal or complaint about any course work or unfair treatment should contact Dr. Shirley Lewis Thompson in writing at [email protected]

Equal Access

In compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, this institution does not discriminate based on race, color, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes but is not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.

Disability Accommodations

CAPS is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for students with disabilities. Consistent with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, CAPS ensures that no "qualified individual with a disability" will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination solely based on disability under any course offered by the CAPS. If you require accommodation based on a disability, don't hesitate to contact our office to discuss documentation submission and processing requirements for reasonable academic accommodation.

Data protection Policy

The Data Protection Act 1998 describes how organizations including CAPS must

collect, handle and store personal information.

These rules apply regardless of whether data is stored electronically, on paper or on

other materials.

To comply with the law, personal information must be collected and used fairly,

stored safely and not disclosed unlawfully.

The Data Protection Act is underpinned by eight important principles. These say that

personal data must:

1. Be processed fairly and lawfully

2. Be obtained only for specific, lawful purposes

3. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive

4. Be accurate and kept up to date

The entire poicy will be availble upon request.

Reflective Pratice Form

Writing reflectively involves critically analysing an experience, recording how it has impacted you and what you plan to do with your new knowledge. It can help you to reflect on a deeper level as the act of getting something down on paper often helps people to think an experience through. Therefore upon request CAPS will make forward you the form upon request.

Safegaurding Policy

 The purpose of this policy statement is:

• to protect children and young people who receive CAPS services from harm. This includes the children of adults who use our services

• to provide staff, volunteers, children, young people, and their families with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection.

This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of CAPS, including senior managers and the board of trustees, paid staff, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff, and students.

Complete detail of this policy is available upon request.

Malpractice Policy

CAPS has Professional Liability.